Yapily blog

Learn more about open banking, explore use cases, and stay up-to-date on industry and company news…all in one place

Open banking is transforming the way we do financial services, and Yapily is on a mission to provide the greatest coverage in Austria. So we’re pleased to announce that our API infrastructure is now available for local fintechs and businesses in Austria.


8th April 2021

2 min read

Wir leben in Österreich!
Open Banking payments are no different to interbank payments and require both the highest security standards and an additional layer of protection from financial providers, in order for consumers to build confidence in using these payment services.

Andria Evripidou

6th April 2021

7 min read

Aufbau des Verbraucherschutzes im Open-Banking-Zahlungsverkehr
Each month our Public Policy & Compliance Lead Andria prepares a roundup of the latest developments in the regulatory world. In this summary you can expect a roundup of the latest regulatory announcements effecting our industry.

Andria Evripidou

30th March 2021

7 min read

Aktualisierung der Vorschriften und Richtlinien: März 2021

Als datengetriebenes Unternehmen möchten wir unsere Kunden dabei unterstützen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die besten Entscheidungen werden nicht isoliert getroffen, sondern berücksichtigen das gesamte Ökosystem. Wir operieren in einem regulierten Umfeld und als solches bleibt der Stand der Regulierung für uns alle ein wichtiger Aspekt. Dieser Newsletter zielt genau darauf ab: Ihnen einen Überblick über die wichtigsten regulatorischen Entwicklungen in Großbritannien und der EU zu verschaffen.

France is already home to more than 1,200 innovative fintech companies. We expect to see continued growth in payment providers and accountancy software companies that will inevitably drive further use and adoption of Open Banking services.


22nd March 2021

2 min read

Die Yapily-Plattform ist in Frankreich live!
Gender diversity is a very important issue and at Yapily, we want to encourage as many women as we can to be a part of, what we believe, is an exciting fast growth sector. We interviewed some of the amazing women at Yapily, to share why they chose tech!


17th March 2021

5 min read

Unterstützung von Frauen in der Technik
UK Finance released its recommendations for the future of the OBIE and our Public Policy and Compliance lead has prepared a two part series exploring what has happened since the introduction of the OBIE and what should come next.

Andria Evripidou

11th March 2021

3 min read

Der ehemalige OBIE
In the second part of this two-part regulatory spotlight series, Andria Evripidou explores the the future of Open Banking and Open Finance regulation. What future entity will watch over the ecosystem and ensure a competitive yet innovative market.

Andria Evripidou

11th March 2021

4 min read

Open Finance und die Zukunft von OBIE
Bank account aggregation is a powerful tool that enables end users to collate all of their financial data into one application. Enhancing financial visibility, account aggregation can extend to credit cards, mortgages, loans and bank accounts.


24th February 2021

3 min read

Was ist die Kontozusammenfassung?
Open Banking is quickly becoming more mainstream and in 2021 adoption is set to increase dramatically. From payments to financial information, Open Banking will change financial services for the better.
Financial services


2nd February 2021

3 min read

Was Sie im Jahr 2021 von Open Banking erwarten können