Our Money 20/20 highlights!

Arriving at Money 2020

It was great to be back for another year at Europe’s biggest fintech show. So much has happened over the past 12 months and we loved getting back out there to discuss all the progress open banking has made since we last managed to get together.

How can banks monetise open banking?

How can banks monetise open banking - money 2020

Our CEO, Stefano, took to the stage with Vyne’s Tom MacGregor, Tink’s Tom Pope, and J.P. Morgan’s Basak Toprak to discuss how banks can monetise open banking.

From open banking infrastructure providers like Yapily to account and payment initiation service providers (AISPs or PISPs), new players are entering the payments landscape and shaking up the status quo. With more providers entering the market to make the most of what open banking has to offer, the monopoly on financial information and control of transactions is over.

However, this doesn’t mean that open banking has to mean the end of a particular revenue stream for banks. PSD2 provides a huge opportunity for banks, allowing them to better support their customers while improving speed, reducing costs, decreasing defaults, and ultimately offering more personalised solutions.

“People often think about retail banking and current accounts when, in actual fact, banks can be many things to many people.

Banks are lenders, payment processors, brokers - the list goes on. To support the needs of their customers, open banking is instrumental to improve speed, reduce cost, decrease defaults, and ultimately offer more tailored products and services to customers.

In my opinion, the ecosystem needs to adopt a shift in mindset. Monetisation is about so much more than simply charging for premium APIs. Open banking is a mechanism that can enable banks to increase market share, improve competitiveness, and gain better insights into their customers.” - Stefano Vaccino

Partnering with our friends at OpenPayd

Demand for embedded finance and open banking solutions is growing at a meteoric rate. 92% of business leaders are planning on launching embedded finance within the next five years. UK Finance data shows that between September 2020 and 2021, open banking payments increased more than 500% in 12 months from 0.5 million to 2.6 million transactions.

Together with OpenPayd, we’re addressing this demand by integrating Yapily’s open banking platform into OpenPayd’s embedded finance offering, creating a complete banking and payments ecosystem through a single API.

It’s an incredibly exciting time for open banking and embedded finance which were both hot topics at Money 20/20 so we were thrilled to announce our partnership at the event, which we enjoyed celebrating with OpenPayd at the Street Festival!

What can banks and fintechs do to improve the lives of SMEs?

We all know that small business owners have enough on their plates - especially over the last few years - without having to deal with onerous bookkeeping and finance tasks.

Yapily’s CPO, Roland Selmer, joined forces with Comma’s Beck Danks, Silicon Valley Bank’s David McHenry and FinTech Alliance’s Olivia Minnock to explore how banks and fintechs can collectively work together to streamline financial processes and make life easier for SMEs at long last.

This session outlined how a chance meeting at Money20/20 in 2021 formed the basis of a relationship between a bank and a fintech to raise the bar in service deliverables for SMEs.

Working in close partnership with Yapily, Comma has simplified the complex bulk payments process through the power of open banking. Yapily’s infrastructure provides Comma with the API connection they need to build a reliable, secure, and scalable bulk payments feature for SMEs.

Comma provides SMEs with the power to pay multiple suppliers at once from their existing business bank account, removing the manual headache of entering individual details for every payment, and automating the entire bulk payments process.

Since partnering with Yapily, Comma has:

  • Processed over £12 million in payments through open banking.
  • Automated payments to over 10,000 suppliers and employees, saving the end-users both time and money
  • Improved efficiency, reducing the time their customers spend processing payments every month by 77%

Find out more about how Yapily and Comma work together to support underserved SMEs.

Partnering with Comma to better serve SMEs

Looking forward to next year!

As Money 20/20 wraps up for another year, we can’t help but look towards what next year has to bring. Open Banking was a hot topic for this year’s event and it’s only getting started. As the open banking revolution continues, the conversation is bound to get hotter.

Roll on 2023!


 We’ve partnered with the global payments and banking-as-a-service (BaaS) platform OpenPayd to deliver innovative payment solutions for businesses in the UK and across Europe.


6th June 2022

3 min read

Yapily and OpenPayd join forces to offer a simplified payments experience

We’ve partnered with the global payments and banking-as-a-service (BaaS) platform OpenPayd to deliver innovative payment solutions for businesses in the UK and across Europe.

We had a blast at UK FinTech Week 2022, attending several events including IFGS and The Future of Payments here are our highlights.


11th April 2022

4 min read

UK FinTech Week Highlights

Last week brought some of the biggest names in finance, government, and technology together for five days of world-class content, insight, and engagement. We had a blast participating in UK FinTech Week 2022 and connecting with friends old and new. Here, we take a look back at some of the best bits.

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Financial services


25th May 2022

4 min read

How can SMEs save 200 hours a year with access to innovative financial solutions

SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy. However, their limited access to financial services has challenged their growth and survival. From cash flow insights to fairer lending and credit, are the financial solutions most needed by SMEs finally becoming more accessible?

Build personalised financial experiences for your customers with Yapily. One platform. Limitless possibilities.

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