Yapily blog

Learn more about open banking, explore use cases, and stay up-to-date on industry and company news…all in one place

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30th May 2022

4 min read

Why is manual bookkeeping still a burden for three million SMEs

From handling invoices to managing payroll, open banking relieves the manual burden of bookkeeping by automating daily workflows. Despite this saving SMEs over 15 hours a week, why do three million still manually record their finances?

In the year that HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative has come into effect, we're finally taking the first significant step towards paperless and digital first tax collection. Find out more how accounting software providers can utilise Open Banking.


19th May 2021

3 min read

Steuern digitalisieren mit Open Banking
Bank account aggregation is a powerful tool that enables end users to collate all of their financial data into one application. Enhancing financial visibility, account aggregation can extend to credit cards, mortgages, loans and bank accounts.


24th February 2021

3 min read

Was ist die Kontozusammenfassung?
Open Banking bulk payments is here! The Yapily team have worked hard to introduce the Bulk Payments feature and the benefits for firms making payments in bulk or through accounting platforms are endless.

Becky Danks

1st July 2020

2 min read

Open Banking-Massenzahlungen

Massenzahlungen könnten die Art und Weise revolutionieren, wie Unternehmen Auftragnehmer, Lieferanten und Gehaltsabrechnungen bezahlen, insbesondere wenn sie Buchhaltungsplattformen verwenden.