Yapily blog

Learn more about open banking, explore use cases, and stay up-to-date on industry and company news…all in one place

In line with the upcoming European Championships, we have put together a report to rank the countries in terms of Open Banking environment. We have assessed the readiness of the regulatory and product environment to apply a score to each country.


11th June 2021

13 min read

European Open Banking League Table
The People Team is responsible for the experience that people have when they work at Yapily. We want our team to have their careers and their lives positively impacted through working with us. It’s a very ambitious target!

Katie Kyle

4th June 2021

4 min read

People and Talent at Yapily
In the year that HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative has come into effect, we're finally taking the first significant step towards paperless and digital first tax collection. Find out more how accounting software providers can utilise Open Banking.


19th May 2021

3 min read

Making Tax Digital with Open Banking
The latest German market update from Yapily. When we initially developed a foothold in the region, we understood the fragmented banking landscape within Germany and we wanted to further expand our coverage to help serve our customers better.

Becky Danks

6th May 2021

3 min read

Germany market update
New data, released by Yapily, the leading Open Banking infrastructure provider, finds all of the UK’s major retail banks have made significant improvements in Open Banking API response times over the last 12 months since Q1 2020.


29th April 2021

3 min read

Yapily API data shows increased Open Banking adoption
Open Banking has only opened up current account information, which was a substantial first step, but it is not sufficient to enable customers to fully plan their finances or have full control over their financial decisions. How can Open Finance help?

Andria Evripidou

13th April 2021

8 min read

The Open Finance Revolution