Yapily blog

Learn more about open banking, explore use cases, and stay up-to-date on industry and company news…all in one place

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4th November 2022

8 min read

How to get buy-in for open banking

After months of vetting open banking providers, it’s time to convince key stakeholders like the CEO, COO, and CTO that open banking is worth the investment. Here’s how…

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3rd November 2022

4 min read

Everything you need to know about the EU's Instant Payments proposal

A new EU proposal will make it mandatory for banks across the continent to offer instant payments. Learn more about this alternative payment method and what it means for both businesses and consumers.

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3rd November 2022

4 min read

Case study: How Yonder + Yapily are making credit more inclusive

Learn how Yonder is harnessing the power of open banking to make credit inclusive, accessible, and rewarding for ‘credit invisibles’

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Money management


31st October 2022

3 min read

10 things you'll learn from our latest research report

2022 has been a perfect storm where social, political, and economic issues have emerged and converged globally. The UK in particular is facing the highest rates of inflation since the early 1980s, and the cost of living is rising faster than the average household income. Both consumers and businesses are struggling, and it’s clear everyone needs better access to financial education and support. And soon.

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26th October 2022

5 min read

Case study: How Crezco + Yapily optimise payments for 5,000+ businesses

Across Europe, SMEs represent around 99.9% of the 5.6million businesses, three-fifths of private-sector employment, and around half of the turnover in the industry, yet they are still underserved when it comes to a convenient and cost-effective payment system.

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21st October 2022

4 min read

Yapily and NatWest Group join forces to unlock payments innovation

From human error to the hidden cost of failed transactions, direct debits, standing orders, and card-on-file payments are a headache for consumers and businesses alike. To make their lives easier, we have teamed up with NatWest Group to deliver a more convenient payment option: Variable Recurring Payments.

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21st October 2022

4 min read

Open banking and QR codes: the unlikely friends changing finance

Account-to-account payments in the physical world. Charity donations without fees. Cashback (yes, real cash) on purchases. All of this is made possible with QR codes and open banking. Read on to learn more about this unlikely friendship.

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19th October 2022

5 min read

Case study: How Emma + Yapily are helping people make smarter financial decisions

Yapily powers product innovation for Emma, an app on a mission to empower millions of people to live a better and more fulfilled financial life.

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14th October 2022

4 min read

Case study: How Esenda + Yapily are transforming payments in education

Learn how Esenda is using open banking to bring innovation and automation to a sector embedded in heritage and tradition: education.

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Financial services


12th October 2022

5 min read

Case study: How Juni + Yapily support ecommerce businesses

Ecommerce has been booming for over a decade, but the pandemic accelerated growth as consumers went online in lockdown. In 2021, total European ecommerce grew 13%, from €633bn in 2020 to €718bn. While an expected growth rate of 11% and a turnover of €797bn was forecast by the end of 2022, the current economic downturn means ecommerce businesses need to adapt in order to maintain growth.